Monday, November 2, 2009

Such is life...

As I attempt to catch up on the Bible and other readings in this class it becomes even harder to blog for a person like myself who struggles to blog biweekly. I just finished the Book of Joshua though and was astonished how violent the Bible continues to be. In the conquering of Jericho Joshua has absolutely no heart. The soldiers decide to allow the children and women to live (even some of the worlds worst criminals don't touch women and children) but Joshua is furious and demands the soldiers kill them.

Plotz brings up a great point in his chapter on Deuteronomy; he ponders how the Israelites don't believe in Yahweh when he has proven himself time and time again. After all these miracles how could one not believe in the great man above? But it also made me wonder what happened to him, have we as humans become so disgraceful we don't deserve miracles anymore? I mean I know we f_ck up a lot these days and just about everyone commits horrible, unmentionable sins. Especially our presidents dropping bombs all over the world as if it was a good thing to have a bomb dropped on ones house. All we have seen in the past few years is Mary's face on a grilled cheese ( or in South Park they mock the bleeding Virgin Mary in horrible manner although it is witty. I also wonder why we call anyone who claims to have spoken to God other than Priests crazy. When so many people used to connect with God every few years and bring his "chosen" people to a new land or to punish them and sentence them to 40 years in the desert. He chose people who stuttered and had killed brothers or sentenced them to exile, but today no one speaks with the Lord. I don't think anyone has for the past few centuries at least. As Plotz says though, “You didn’t actually witness the events that you are supposed to have witnessed” (p.76). Then why do we continue to believe in them? Especially when people who claim to have connected to God today get shunned away and either called a liar, kook, or just put into the dark and are totally rejected.

It is through this I believe the Bible to be a list of rules (as we see in Numbers) which we as humans should abide by to live a good life. It is not to be taken literally and worship but to allow us to confide in someone whom we can talk to when no one is around and not be called crazy or to sell a grilled cheese for some quick cash (I don't understand how a person who believes in God could SELL a grilled cheese representing the Virgin Mary. It seems unethical to begin with but doesn't our Lord and Savior warn us against false gods)? I suppose a grilled cheese couldn't be a god so scratch that thought. As we are able to see though a person cannot truly live his life by the Bible or he would tend to get in a bit of trouble.

This is sort of a side thought but also goes with my questioning humanity in todays world. As well as I think he had a horrible day so I will write about it until one happens to me. Which I don't know if it will because as many of my classmates have reiterated there is no such thing as a bad day because you learn something from any event which makes it good. Although this is absolutely horrible and made me question humanity. I talked to one of my good friends I went to high-school with who goes to UNH (University of New Hampshire). On his drunken journey home on Halloween three kids jumped him leaving him knocked out and he had a his jaw wired shut along with other injuries. All this was able to happen as people walked by while he was on the ground with three punks kicking the $h!t out of him. He didn't have a chance to defend himself and the people who could have defended him just walked away as if the four were having a friendly conversation. I cannot believe humanity is going down the hole so fast we are able to stand by and watch this. I feel we need a sign from the ole' man above we are not in as much trouble as we think or something along those lines. Oh well the world will improve someday.

On a more positive not, I leave you with this,,4810 as we read in Wallace's poem music is a great way to express love and yourself. Delta Spirit shows us a way in which they express themselves. Doing it on a trolly, in a restaurant, and in a park.

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