Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Then there was earth and then light and then Adam and then Eve and then Cain killed Abel and then...

"Good luck, for your sake I hope heaven and hell are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath." Are some lyrics sung by Modest Mouse, a band I saw in Missoula on Friday which got me thinking about our Bible as Literature class. Funny this would come to mind as I am on my way to a long night. Although I did not seriously think about this until the drive back to Bozeman on Saturday it got me thinking...if a large number of people doubt there are a heaven and hell then how does God and his/her followers have a chance of convincing us (s)he created all of earth in seven days. THEN (s)he was angry because we were selfish (even though we were created in his likeness, what does that make God?) and floods the earth. While convincing Noah to build an ark (Steve Carrel does a pretty good job playing Noah in Evan Almighty), gather numerous animals from around the world (one of each sex), and put them on his boat. Not only is this an amazing feat that he is able to build an ark this big, gather the animals, BUT he is actually able to connect to the hawks, bears, and tigers either through mind or jibber jabber something not even Steve Irwin was able to do. I also found it interesting in the Bible study section explanation of 5.28-"A brief inset from the J source, Lamech derives the name Noah from the world relief and fortells that Noah will relieve the harshness of human toil." I do not remember if God told Noah's parents to name him this or if in fact his parents had a super-natural feeling named him Noah.
Anyway here is some more in depth thought process from Genesis. In 2.9 "...and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." As humans we are known as being nosey or maybe this is just my perspective since I grew up in the USA where we are always sticking our nose in other people/countries business but it seems inevitable from this point on that Adam or Even won't eat from the tree.
I also find it spectacular how people in the Bible are able to live for 100+ years but as David Plotz explains it is easily explained by the telephone game theory. As a story is passed on it eventually grows in tale and stories become even greater.

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